Prisma Growth Strategies – action plan and personas
Growth is not always straight forward. Our Prisma Growth Strategies for August show you: how to take action and how Personas can help you. And despite all the growing and expanding your comfort zone, never forget to treat yourself.
Action plan
An action plan is more than a simple to-do list. You start by noting your short-, medium- and long-term objectives.
Break down all actions that are necessary to achieve your goals. The smaller the better.
Remember to use SMART goals: Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based.
Imagine your ideal client. How does your client, let’s call her Paula, start her day?
What are Paula’s challenges, desires and worries? Paula wants to impress her boss and colleagues by doing a great job. What can you provide to support her?
Once you figure out how to help Paula, you can apply it to all your clients. Personas are popular Marketing techniques. However, having a Persona helps putting the client first regardless of your own department.

Treat yourself
Some days all you need is discipline. Other days you need more to get the job done. Does a big reward motivate you to reach an ambitious goal? Do you ever reward yourself for completing a small milestone? Or just for making it through a tough day? Sometimes it is just as healthy to treat yourself for no reason at all.
Our reward it to see you grow. Plan some rest and time for rewards in your action plan. Until next month for another round of Prisma Growth Strategies.