We translate into…
… many languages worldwide. Your financial translation is handled by a dedicated Prisma Project Manager.
Speakers worldwide: approx. 76 Million
Language family: Indo-European.
French is a romance language.
Descended from: Colloquial Latin
The language is spoken in 29 countries.
How to say “Nice to meet you”: Enchanté de vous rencontrer
Speakers worldwide: approx. 10 Million
Language family: Indo-European.
Swedish is a North-Germanic language.
Descended from: Old Norse
It is spoken in Sweden and in parts of Finland
How to say “Hello”: hallå or hej

Speakers worldwide: 125 million
Japanese uses three writing systems
Descended from: Proto-Japonic
The language reflects the hierarchical nature of Japanese society
Are you looking for a financial translation into French and many other languages? Contact us!