We translate into …Italian … Icelandic …Finnish
Buon giorno or Hei! Prisma translates financial documents from and into many languages. Here are some fun facts about Italian, Icelandic and Finnish.
We translate into Italian
- Speakers worldwide: around 85 million people
- The language evolved from Vulgar Latin.
- It is an official language in Italy, San Marino, Vatican City and Switzerland.
- The Italian speaking Swiss cantons are called: Ticino and Grisons. The largest Italian-speaking city outside of Italy is Lugano.
- Standard Italian is based on Tuscan and the Florentine dialect.
- The word “ciao” comes from the Venetian language.

We translate into Icelandic
Around 314,000 people speak the West Scandinavian language.
- Faroese is the closest relative.
- Icelanders regulate loanwords. New terms should be coined from existing Icelandic words.
- Did you know that Icelandic speakers can read Old Norse easier than other Scandinavians?
- Have you ever seen the Northern Lights? In Icelandic, the term is: “Norðurljós”.
- Jólabókaflóð (The Christmas Book Flood) – Following the release of many new books before December, books are a popular present on Christmas Eve. It only gets cosier when enjoying the books with hot chocolate during cold winter nights.
þetta reddast
Live by the Icelandic motto “it will all work out okay”.
We translate into Finnish
- Finnish is a Uralic language in the Finnic family.
- Helsinki’s nickname is Stadi, from the Swedish word for city.
- Sauna – a Finnish term – is used in many other languages.
- It is considered as a Level III language, meaning Native English speakers will have a tough time learning the language.
J.R.R. Tolkien was fascinated by Finnish and described it: “like discovering a complete wine-cellar filled with bottles of an amazing wine of a kind and flavour never tasted before.” The language even influenced his fictional languages.
Financial translation at Prisma
Are you looking for a financial translation into Italian, Icelandic, Finnish and many other languages? We work with experiences financial translators and offer all Western European, most Asian and Middle Eastern languages. Contact us at https://www.www.prisma.lu/contact/