January 17, 2024
We translate into …. Spanish, German and Hungarian
Hola, ¿cómo estás? Hallo, wie geht es Ihnen? Prisma translates financial documents into: Spanish, German and Hungarian. It is time to learn some facts about these popular languages.
Spanish is a truly global language. Did you know?:
- In 2023, our most common documents to be translated into the language were: PRIIP KIDs, financial reports and shareholder letters.
- The language has more than 500 million speakers and is an official language in 20 countries.
- The first grammar book was written in 1492.
- Have you enjoyed “sobremesa” lately? It is the joyful time spent after dinner to talk and relax.
I believe my pig whistles (meaning: This is unbelievable). Can you believe these facts?:
- Did you know that our biggest financial report translated into German has more than 1100 pages?
- German is an official language in 6 European countries.
- Fernweh (literal “far-longing”) is the opposite of homesick. Other languages use it as well (maybe it is time to travel again?) Other German words used internationally are Autobahn, Leitmotiv, Wunderkind and Zeitgeist.
- The most used letter in German is the “E”.

Hungarian is supposedly a difficult language to learn for English-speakers (category IV language according to the Foreign Service Institute). Alternatively, here are some some Hungarian language facts to learn instead:
- It is the largest language by speakers in the Uralic family.
- The language has 14 vowels.
- Regional language status in Austria, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.
- There are 13 million Hungarian native speakers.
- PRIIP KIDs and many other financial documents: We can handle your translation needs for Hungarian and many other languages.
Are you looking for a financial translation into German and many other languages? Contact us.