Personal development
40 days of Lent according to Prisma
Personal development
Instead of giving up chocolate and champagne 😱, we will give up on “things”. We will get rid of 1 item per day for 40 days. 🗑 These can be items hidden in our drawer that... -
The Mentor – Interview by LuxWmn
Financial communication Personal development
“REMEMBER THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN THE OFFICE. Naturally there are deadlines that keep us late, but I have a strong rule that my team leave the office by 6. I want them to go... -
Positive thinking is an attitude
Personal development Trust
🚀 At the beginning of each year we start a new empty jar. 📋 During the 365 (or 366) days ahead, we fill it with notes of all the good things that happen to us. 💌...